
To acquire wisdom, one must observe

Peeping Tom harasses East Quad residents

An unidentified person has been looking into women’s showers in East Quad while residents are using them, Area Coordinator Ariel Hernandez confirmed in an email to quad residents. This “peeping Tom” incident has been the sixth reported since December 2012. Since that date, electronic key swipe access has been installed in East, and bathroom doors have been locked to all but residents of the two buildings of East.

Only one report of a “peeping Tom” has been made this year, Hernandez said. “As some of you may know, this is something that has occurred in the past in East due to its proximity to the greater Waltham area,” he wrote.

DCL will be increasing the number of building walkthroughs and patrols outside East to mitigate these incidents. Though all bathroom doors in East should be locked at all times, some locks are broken, other doors are propped open or jammed. DCL will be checking these locks and removing any props, Hernandez said.

“Do not prop bathroom doors. The locks on these doors ensure that only East Quad residents have access to the facilities,” Hernandez advised students.

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