
To acquire wisdom, one must observe

In the Senate Jan. 20

Sagie Tvizer ’19 attended the Senate meeting to ask the senate to support the opposition to the revised Title IX regulations announced by the US Department of Education. According to Tuizer the revisions create conditions for less survivors to want to go to the Title IX office and make it harder for them to step forward. 

The Senate will vote on the issue at the next meeting, to allow senators to explore the issue further. If the vote passes, the Senate, on behalf of the student body, will publish a public comment. It will also encourage individuals to send letter to the  Department of Education. 

Vice President Aaron Finkle ’20 introduced a theme for this Semester in the Senate: “Brandeis Teams up.” The emphasis will be on better collaboration, between members of the Union as well as the administration. “We are going to do things right this semester” said Finkle. 

Finkle also announced to Chairs of Senate committees, that he will have a meeting with them within the next two weeks. Chairs are to provide a plan for the semesters as well as a list of members. He also announced the creation of a comprehensive code of conduct for the Senate.

Senator Kent Dinlenc ’19 proposed to rename the Bylaws Committee to “Rules Committee.” The  merging of the Campus Operations Working Group (COWG) and Health & Safety Committees into a “Campus Operations” Committee. The Senate will vote on these changes next week.  

Dinlenc and Leigh Salamon ’19 proposed a change to Article X of the Student Union Bylaws. If someone is removed from a position they cannot run for any Student Union position for one academic year. The Senate will vote on this change next week.  

The Sustainability Committee reported that they are currently working on making sure that there are recycling bins in all residence halls. COWG is working on making the Rabb steps safer and the start of the menstrual product initiative. 

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