Slowing down to appreciate the moment

Life is always teaching us when we least expect it, and my dog, Scout, has been the one teaching me a lot my whole life. From how to always be there for someone to taking care of others when they need help like Scout does now in his cone—life and Scout are always teaching me. […]

Miley Cyrus’s ‘Plastic Hearts’ is the album she was born to make

Miley Cyrus’s new album “Plastic Hearts” captures feelings of complex youthful sorrow and navigating identity through the lens of pleasure and pain in her lyrics. The inaugural track of “Plastic Hearts,” titled “WTF Do I Know?” acknowledges this from the get-go, which sets the rebellious and emotional yet high-energy rockstar energy for the rest of […]

Looking forward

Thankfully, the long trudge through 2020 is almost over, and the promise of a new year, however symbolic, cannot help but inspire hope and fear for the coming winter of our discontent. Brandeis has faced some drastic changes—transitioning to a mostly online learning environment, implementing new software and attempting to hold a campus community together […]

‘Happiest Season’ is 2020’s movie for the most wonderful time of the year

Let me start off by saying that I am not the biggest fan of holiday movies, mostly because of their formula. (Grinch-y male character hates Christmas before accidentally falling in love with a woman whose sole personality is loving Christmas, and boom, there’s your movie.) However, “Happiest Season” pleasantly surprised me in its thoughtful exploration […]

‘Freaky’ is underwhelming but entertaining

I have seen very few movies in which I felt the writers truly captured the complexities of teen language and diction. “Freaky,” the newest teen horror released in theaters, truly felt like it was written by adults trying to sound young. Its entertaining premise and the fantastic performance given by Vince Vaughn do not make […]

The Hoot’s table: pasta edition

Welcome back to The Hoot’s table. This week, we are debating which pasta shape is best. You can vote on the best pasta on our Instagram story on Saturday, Dec. 5!  Aaron LaFauci: Conchiglie (shells) I like shells. They are actually called “conchiglie,” but who can pronounce that? My practical favorite pasta is probably farfalle […]

Trying to stomach norovirus

Chipotle, although one of my personal favorite Mexican chains (anyone who says Moe’s is better is just flat out wrong), has definitely had its fair share of foodborne illness outbreaks. From E. coli to salmonella, Chipotle does not seem shy to rub germs into their food. One of the more prominent viruses responsible for these […]

Black Action Plan creators propose alternative to public safety

Members of the Black Action Plan, Sonali Anderson ’22 and DeBorah Ault ’22, proposed a new “Campus Safety Alliance” as an alternative to the current Brandeis police department in an effort to defund the campus police, the organizers discussed during an event on Nov. 12. The tentatively named Campus Safety Alliance would be a collected […]

Hoot Recommends: winter holiday edition

“The Nice Guys” Do you know what sealed it for me that humanity should just give up already and make way for the dolphins to replace us? On its opening weekend, Shane Black’s “The Nice Guys” grossed less than “The Angry Birds Movie.” It’s too late for us as a species. “The Nice Guys” is […]

Brandeis alumna named provost

President Ron Liebowitz announced that Brandeis has hired Dr. Carol Fierke PhD ’84 as the new university provost and executive vice president, a role currently held by Provost and Maurice B. Hexter Professor of Social and Economic Policy Lisa Lynch, in an email sent on Nov. 30 to the Brandeis community. Fierke will fill the […]

Time to change our elections

While the United States continues to pride itself on being a liberal mecca and exemplification of democracy to the rest of the world, we lack severely in the aspect of representation. The notion of “no taxation without representation” reigns supreme in our history lessons and as a core principle of America’s democratic strength, yet women, […]

Who is the New England Yankee?

The distinguished American writer E.B. White had his own opinion of who the Yankee is: “To foreigners, the Yankee is an American; to Americans, a Yankee is a Northerner; to Northerners, the Yankee is an Easterner; to Easterners, the Yankee is a New Englander; to New Englanders, the Yankee is a Vermonter; and to Vermonters, […]


I had hoped to write this piece, graduation cap in hand, with some great and optimistic future draped across my shoulders. I hoped to follow it by standing in a crowded room of my peers as we celebrated our winter graduation from Brandeis University. I won’t belabor the point. We all know that social anxiety […]

Rhum Barbancourt four year

When I asked my manager Dan about rum, he told me that the Caribbean, and rum by extension, was the Wild West of the liquor world (compare this to France, which is its polar opposite. More on this later). Most of the countries in the Caribbean tend to have pretty lax regulations on what “rum” […]

Univ. sets record in Giving Tuesday donations

The Brandeis community raised a record-breaking amount of donations this past Tuesday, according to the Giving Deisday page, raising over $1 million, with over 2121 donors on Tuesday alone.  The university unlocked an extra $100 thousand after passing their goal of 1948 donors, in honor of the university’s founding in 1948. An extra $50,000 was […]

The NFL is not prepared for the coronavirus, and it is starting to show

The coronavirus has caused all sports to become very different, however most sports have fully gotten through at least one season without having to go to a complete shutdown. This can be attributed to strict protocols, and in some cases, a bubble where the players are only allowed to stay in a confined area. The […]

NCAA college basketball returns despite raging pandemic

Since the conclusion of the National Basketball Association (NBA) bubble in October, fans have been craving more of the sport amidst the stay-at-home orders, advisory warnings and quarantines that have become so normalized in recent months. Despite cases of the coronavirus roaring at all-time highs across the country, the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) has […]

The swimming pool

Prior to landing, I strived to live as a responsible, aware civilian abroad who standardized my thoughts and actions to high, active social engagements anywhere I go, though it’s been six years since I’ve lived full-time back home. Fear of the once-familiar, now-unknown home, I landed, peeked through the airplane windows and naturally viewed my […]

SSIS advice column

Welcome back to the SSIS column, where we answer any and all of Brandeis students’ questions about sex, sexuality, identity and relationships. If you have a question you’d like answered in our next column, email or leave a question in the Google Form link on the Student Sexuality Information Service Facebook page. Any and […]