
To acquire wisdom, one must observe

In the Senate, April 25

The Dining Committee told the senate that they were planning a Tik Tok inspired event in the dining halls on May 4. It would feature dishes from the popular app to be enjoyed before finals season. They also announced that the dining staff would be reviewing the survey results from earlier in the semester to improve student’s experiences and keep dining accountable.

The Community Enhancement and Emergency Fund (CEEF) Committee announced that they had placed an order for water bottle filling stations. The items would arrive in mid-May and be installed in the first year quads of Masell and North to replace existing ones and provide new ones to residence halls without.

The Facilities, Housing and Transportation Committee reported that they had ordered small plaques to be installed on Student Union projects completed throughout the academic year to increase their presence and accountability on campus. 

The Senate unanimously passed five bylaws by acclamation during this meeting. The first bylaw passed, the Endorsement Bylaw, clarifies that members of the Allocations Board and the Judiciary members are unable to give endorsements to candidates during elections to maintain their a-political nature. The second bylaw passed, the Judiciary Office Hours Bylaw, changed the requirement for office hours from three office hours per week to office hours by appointment. The third, the Executive Board Bylaw, specifies what is expected from the Executive branch of the student union during their meetings. The fourth and fifth, were two Election Bylaws: the first one is an amendment meant to clarify the process of the election, clarifying timing for campaigns and expenses, while the second is an amendment to the first amendment.  

The Senate introduced a Club Bylaw, to be voted on next week, which simplifies the wordiness of the current club support bylaws. This will assist in making them read easier and be simpler to understand instating a new tier system rather to organize clubs rather than the name order they have been using thus far.

The Senate passed, by way of a roll call vote, their budget for the next academic and fiscal year. 

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