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Cross country participates in Connecticut College Invitational

Both men’s and women’s cross country competed in the Connecticut College Invitational on Oct. 16, 2021. These two teams had the tough challenge of facing off against multiple schools nationally ranked in the top 20. Although both teams faced very tough competition this past week, both teams fared well. The men’s team finished 19th out of 26 schools as they finished with 567 points. 

For the men’s team freshman Daniel Frost ’25 finished first for the team. Frost the 6k 26:59 and he ended up in 91st place. Sophomore Walter Tebbetts ’24 followed shortly after as he finished in 106th. Tebbetts finished with a time of 27:32.4. The next runner from Brandeis finished in 129th. This was junior Casey Brackett ’23 and he ran the 6k in 28:05.8. Sophomore Willem Goff ’24 finished right behind Brackett with a time of 28:09.6. Goff finished five places behind Brackett in 134th. Senior Jac Guerra ’22, sophomore Samuel Kim ’24 and freshman Lucas Dia ’25 were the final three runners to finish for Brandeis. They finished in 137th, 147th and 151st respectively. 

The women’s team finished in 7th out of 26 schools and had a score of 180. Senior Erin Magill ’22 led the team once again as she finished the 6k in tenth out 196. Magill had a time of 22:14.3 which was just four seconds behind ninth place. Senior Niamh Kenney ’22 was the next student from Brandeis to finish. Kenny finished in 17th with a time of 22:38.6. Senior Natalie Hattan ’22 was not far behind her as she finished in 25th with a time of 22:57.8. This gave the Judges three runners in the top 25 and two within the top 20. Sophomore Juliette Intrieri ’24 finished in 66th with a time of 23:53.4. Junior Bridget Pickard ’23 finished only a few seconds behind Intrieri. Pickard ended up in 71st with a time of 23:58.2. Freshman Zada Forde ’25 was the final runner from Brandeis to finish in the top 100. Forde finished in 99th place with a time of 24:33.4. This was 0.1 seconds in front of the runner from the United States Coast Guard Academy who finished in 100th. This gave Brandeis overall, six runners in the top 100. Freshman Kyra Au ’25 and junior Victoria Morrongiello ’23 were the final runners from Brandeis to finish. They finished in 124th and 149th respectively with times of 25:10.2 and 25:56.9. According to USTFCCCA polls and rankings, the Brandeis women’s cross country team was ranked 35th in the nation. However, at the Connecticut College Invitational, the team proceeded to defeat the 28th ranked Wesleyan College, the 26th ranked Worcester Polytechnic Institute and the 25th ranked George Fox University. They also finished just 11 points behind the 13th ranked Amherst College. 

Both teams will next compete on Oct. 30, 2021, at Rochester New York for the University Athletic Association (UAA) championships. “Since our conference is spread out geographically this is going to be a good chance to race against other teams from around the country.” Magill told The Brandeis Hoot when asked about the UAA championships. This will be the final competition for Brandeis cross country for October. 

Editor’s Note: News Editor Victoria Morrongiello did not contribute to the writing or editing of this article. 

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