
To acquire wisdom, one must observe

The most moreo Oreo


When I first heard about The Most Oreo Oreo, I was actually scrolling through Instagram, and had to pause, and consider if this was real. You see, I am a cookies and cream fan. In fact, moments before hearing about said Oreo, I had just eaten coffee, cookies and cream ice cream, despite my dislike for coffee, simply because I wanted ice cream and it had cookies and cream in it.


I think you can imagine just how much I like the flavor.


So, when I heard about the—kind of stupid, but hilariously interesting—idea, I was determined to try it (especially since it was limited edition). Unfortunately, however, I don’t have a lot of money, and at the time it wasn’t even out yet. However, for some reason, that hasn’t stopped people from reviewing said unreleased Oreos on the official website. So, during a rather chaotic moment between Abby and I, we decided to review said reviews.



When I first heard about The Most Oreo Oreo, I was sitting in the BMC with Cyrenity. As she enlightened me about the newest variant in the Oreoverse (a real term used on the Oreo website), I became mesmerized by the idea. As another avid cookies and cream fan (although not as avid as Cyrenity), I have high hopes for the release of this cookie and hope to try it during its limited release if I can find it. I’m apprehensive about the amount of cookies and cream though, as this Oreo not only claims to have cookies and cream flavored stuffing, but to also contain more stuffing than a mega-sized Oreo. 


It’s not that I don’t think I can handle it; I’m just concerned for the brain-breaking havoc this Oreo may wreak on the general public upon its release. It seemed to already be causing internet chaos, since at the time this was written the then unavailable cookie had somehow garnered 22 reviews and an average of 4.5 stars on the Oreo website. Naturally, Cyrenity and I had to investigate.


In our scrolling, we came across a number of reviews that ranged in hilarity, and since we can’t talk about them all, we decided to include only our top five.


So, without further ado, here you go!


Our Top Five Reviews


Bussin: “they fat” -TF

No more needs to be said, in our opinion, at least until we can actually try these cookies. Factually accurate.


Trash: “Straight gabarge, tastes like crap.” -Ebozo4ever

First review, and also the funniest. A log of negative opinions for a cookie that hadn’t come out yet.


Tastes like beaver: “Very fishy taste to them” -Ramos

I’ve never had a fish cookie, but I imagine that it would suck. Not sure where the beaver comes in though. (Do beavers taste like fish? Someone get back to us on that.) 


When can this deliciousness arrive to my house?: “Hurry” -Jimmy

Pretty straightforward. I feel that though. Apparently there was a pre-order available for these cookies, but based on this review, I think Jimmy may have unfortunately missed it. 


Yum: “I personally am a fan of cookies and cream, that’s what I like Oreos. So when they starting putting Oreos in my Oreos I was like “Man, they are putting Oreos in my Oreos”. Wild.” -BigCookieAndCreamGuy

I really appreciate the enthusiasm from BigCookieAndCreamGuy for these Oreos. The description of their thought process is also kind of hilarious. I also agree that the concept of a cookies and cream Oreo is wild. It’s rather meta, and very daring of the Oreo company to take the obvious Oreo concept and capitalize on it. 


With the Oreo’s release, we hope those that eagerly awaited for its release had their expectations met, and that those who didn’t had their minds changed.

(Reviews can be found at https://www.oreo.com/most-oreo-oreo )

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