Tennis Club is a smashing success

“Game. Set. Match. Brandeis!” Take your rackets out and throw on your tennis shoes because it’s time to play tennis. Brandeis’ Club Tennis team has been taking campus by storm. With 138 members on their Campus Groups page, the team has doubled in size from its 62 members last year. The Brandeis Hoot had the […]

The unofficial official Brandeis bucket list

Well, we’ve passed the 100 days to graduation mark and so begins the countdown to the dreaded g word—graduation. In some ways graduating is really exciting, you get to go off onto your next adventure and see what else is ahead. But it also means leaving behind the things you’ve grown familiar with.  And so […]

Time and the taking of it

Once upon a time, in a parking lot outside of a Wegman’s, I was scared. This was a few short weeks before I would leave before my first semester at college, and I was scared. I’d known for a while that I wanted to go to college: I was ready for a new social scene, […]

The blue wave at Brandeis

The landscape of college admissions is rapidly changing and its impacts are far further reaching than most may think at first glance. Before we engage with the topic of how altered admissions processes impact the lives of students on campus, it is crucial to first investigate the evolving nature of the college admissions process. So […]

Sleep Week comes to campus following Daylight Savings

The university hosted its annual Sleep Week starting March 12 and running through March 18. The week featured events, giveaways and activities for students to promote good sleep hygiene.  The Office of Health and Wellness Promotion (HAWP) and the Bridge to Wellness (BTW) team each sponsored events throughout the week for students to gain access […]

The moral dilemma caused by ‘The Last of Us’ finale

The following contains spoilers for season 1 of “The Last of Us.”   This past Sunday night, March 12, HBO’s “The Last of Us” aired its finale episode titled “Look for the Light.” The show has been a great success, raking in millions of viewers each week with its star-studded cast, led by none other […]

A definitive and thoroughly objective ranking of historical American Girl dolls

Who here was an American Girl doll kid? Because I was. My poor parents. Those things were expensive. Anyway, my favorite part of American Girl was the historical doll series (perhaps foreshadowing my history major today… curse you American Girl!). Since I aged out of American Girl, the company has come out with new dolls […]

Jelle’s Marble Rally Season 6: Race 6

It’s here, folks. The midpoint of the marble rally season. Ghost Plasma continues to maintain a strong first place position over the other marbles, with 77 points overall to second place Silver Bolt’s 62 points and third place Ducktape’s 53 points. Will the point gap be closed over the next six races, with a different […]

Men’s and women’s tennis go to Colby

Both men’s and women’s tennis went to Colby on March 12 for two Division III top-25 matches. Ranked 24 and 20 respectively, the Brandeis men’s and women’s tennis lost 1-8 in both head-to-head matches. Colby’s men’s and women’s teams were ranked 20 and 24. Following the men’s doubles matches, Colby led 2-1, winning two of […]

2023 Bahrain Grand Prix results and analysis

The 2023 Formula 1 (F1) season kicked off with a flying start in the desert nation of Bahrain, with both highs and lows. We started with qualifying as Red Bull locked out the first row and once again Verstappen claimed pole position. Perez sat just behind, missing out of pole by 0.15 seconds. The second […]

Martin Baron selected as the 2023 Richman Fellow

Martin “Marty” Baron was selected as Brandeis’ Richman Fellow for Public Life. The Richman Fellow is awarded to someone “whose contributions have had a significant impact on improving American society, strengthening democratic institutions, advancing social justice or increasing opportunities for all citizens to realize and share in the benefits of this nation,” according to the […]

Don’t drink the water if you can’t see through it (part two)

In a past article, I expressed concerns about per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS), being found in rainwater. These chemicals, which are generally used in coatings and products that resist heat, oil, stains, grease, and water, are known as “forever chemicals.” Terrifyingly, this means that these highly toxic fluorinated chemicals don’t break down naturally. They’ve been […]

‘Five Doors One Room’ is full of talent, but something is lost in translation

Dance is a form of language. “Dance-talk” is something that young ballerinas learn while they are still in elementary school. Even without speech, dance has the power to tell a story and convey an idea. However, most viewers are not fluent in “dance-talk,” making narrative choreography more difficult. When your dance piece is a devised, […]