
To acquire wisdom, one must observe

Ask SSIS: Which lubes, condoms and toys that SSIS sells are compatible with each other?

Thank you for writing to SSIS! Most of the toys we carry are made of silicone, which are compatible with any of our water-based lubes. It is recommended that silicone lubricants not be used with silicone toys, as silicone degrades silicone, causing it to become more porous and potentially trap bacteria. If you are unsure whether a lube can be used with a toy, you can do a small patch test on a part of the toy to check for degradation. We also carry a couple toys that are made of TPE, which is compatible with silicone and water based lubes. It is not safe to be used with oil based ones. Oil based lubes can also degrade latex and polyisoprene condoms, and it is therefore recommended that you use only water or silicone based lubes with condoms. SSIS sells a variety of silicone and water based lubes, as well as several hybrid lubes, which contain both water and silicone. We only sell one oil based lube, Stroke 29, which is a masturbation cream and is not safe to be used with penetrative sex. All other lubes that we sell are compatible with any type of condom. Let us know if you have any other questions!

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