
To acquire wisdom, one must observe

Empowering women outside of Women’s History Month

The U.S. recognizes March as Women’s History Month as a way to commemorate the women who have contributed to contemporary society. It is a month to celebrate women’s impact on history and all of their great achievements that may otherwise go unrecognized. This is a month where feminism is alive and well. But as we come to the end of March, we should remember that we shouldn’t just be celebrating the great achievements of women but the everyday achievements too. And we shouldn’t let the coming of April end our celebration of women and their successes. 

While it is wonderful to spotlight women over the course of the month, it does in some regards feel like a performative act when you don’t see these celebrations continued throughout the year. The university has highlighted the famous female trailblazers in our community including Anita Hill and Pauli Murray. It has also spotlighted the research of female graduate students on their social media. While these recognitions are great, it feels performative when you look at the women’s softball field versus the men’s baseball field.

Did you know the women’s softball field is not Title IX compliant? Did you know that members of the women’s softball team have petitioned for years to receive funding to make their field regulation size? But yes, we care about women on this campus after March is over. 

It is important to note that there are some wonderful year-round initiatives for women on campus. The Student Union this academic year launched a collaborative project with Period Activists at ’Deis (PAD) to distribute free menstrual products around campus. This is a wonderful way to support the feminine community on campus. Another initiative was the addition of female-identifying-only lifting hours to Gosman Athletic Center. The introduction of these hours was such a success that additional hours were added after it was launched. However, many of these projects were pushed for and led by women for women. All too often it is the hard work and labor of women that gets these projects done, and having the support of others is crucial for the success of these initiatives. 

Celebrating Women’s History Month is wonderful, but let’s not restrict it just to the month of March. Because let’s face it, while progress has been made to lessen gender disparities, a lot more can still be made. We shouldn’t settle for less when we contribute so much to society. 

We are an editorial board made up of a majority of women, and we are proud of that. We are proud of every single female writer and editor both in January and November and every single month—not just March. We want to encourage more female writers in the field of journalism, which can be male-dominated. More women should be able to share their voice in this world, and we at The Hoot are always ready to hear it and share that story with our community. 

So here’s to the end of Women’s History Month, and to the start of celebrating women without due cause but just because.

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