Sodexo workers treat students like family
The Brandeis student body is populated with students from all over the world. We have students from Tajikistan, Turkey, Australia, Montana, Singapore, South Dakota, India, California—the list goes on. Even if you are a student from Massachusetts, or five minutes away from Brandeis, a just-about universal part of being a student at this university is […]
Librarians deserve a fair contract
The Brandeis University librarians and their union, SEIU 888, are fighting for a better contract with the university administration. Brandeis Labor Coalition (BLC) and the students at Brandeis stand with them and express our support. This is the administration that has claimed “social justice” as the motto of Brandeis. However, what the administration fails to […]
A letter of support to campus dining workers
Dear Dining Workers of Unite Here Local 26 at Brandeis, We, the students of Brandeis University, so often running between midterms and exams, do not take enough time to appreciate all the work that goes into providing for our education. While we openly recognize and appreciate the work done by faculty and professors, none of […]