Administration follows up on cyanide found in Mods

On Oct. 12, a hazmat team removed sodium cyanide from a Foster Mods residence. In an email to the student body, James Gray, Vice President for Campus Operations, confirmed that no one was injured by the substance. No arrests were made. The administration would not comment on whether or not someone was detained for questioning. […]

Hazmat teams respond to sodium cyanide found in Foster Mods Residence

Students were evacuated due to the presence of sodium cyanide on Friday, Oct. 12 from the Foster Mods, which houses 177 students. A hazmat team responded to the scene along with BEMCo, Brandeis PD, Department of Community Living, Waltham PD, Waltham fire trucks, Cataldo ambulances and helicopters. At 2:01 p.m. Providence Citywide, a fire services […]

Head swim coach position filled

Nicole Carter will start as the new head coach of Brandeis women’s and men’s swimming and diving (BUSDT) on Sept. 10. Carter is a Wheaton College alum who has been an assistant coach for the Wheaton swim team for eight seasons. This will be the first time she’s taken on the role of head coach […]

Board of Trustees pushes divestment vote back

Fossil fuel divestment remains a central topic for students, faculty, administration and trustees entering the fall semester. A June statement from Liebowitz places a Board of Trustees vote on the matter in November. They are expected to vote on an updated version of the “Brandeis University as a Responsible Investor” document in September and use […]

Swim coach leaves Brandeis after HR investigation

After a human resources department investigation into his conduct, Coach Mike Kotch is no longer the Brandeis University Swimming and Diving Team (BUSDT) coach. Brandeis University has declined to comment on whether Kotch was fired or if he resigned. Kotch was placed on administrative leave on May 2 pending the outcome of a human resources […]

University finances ‘secure’ but ‘constrained’

Financially, the university is “secure” but “constrained” and needs to generate higher revenue to achieve goals, according to members of Brandeis’ Finance and Administration senior leadership team, who held an open meeting on Wednesday in the International Longue to address the financial sustainability and provide updates for ongoing campus projects. Stew Uretsky, executive vice president […]

Sodexo lowers prices at the C-store

Sodexo reevaluated the prices of the 20 most popular C-store items, according to Andy Allen, Sodexo General Manager. This means that Ben and Jerry’s now costs $4.99 compared to $6.09. Sodexo’s “point of sale system” suggests price changes based on invoice pricing when a vendor delivers an item. This is why some products are priced […]

Second Free Expression open meeting yields low student, faculty, staff turnout

The Task Force on Free Expression held its second meeting on Oct. 2 to review free expression principles that will guide campus discourse. The open meeting, meant to act as a forum for students, faculty and staff to express opinions or concerns about the principles, was attended by three undergraduate students. One student was on […]

Required classes rise in new general education proposal

On Sunday night, several members of the Task Force on General Education met with the Student Union to discuss the recently released General Education Requirements proposal. The 45 page document alters current requirements and splits them into five new categories. The Task Force on General Education released the report in early September. According to the […]

Task Force on Free Expression comes out with aspirational principles

The Task Force on Free Expression held one of three open meetings on Sept. 27 to discuss a set of principles aimed at guiding free speech and expression on campus. The three-page document, available at the event and released through email, uses broad language to reaffirm Brandeis’ commitment to free expression. The statement is the […]

Fall involvement fair features over 200 clubs

Members from over 200 Brandeis clubs and organizations tried to attract new members in the Levin Ballroom on Sept. 3 for the Fall Involvement Fair. Brandeis boasts over 250 clubs and involvement fairs are hosted each semester by the Department of Student Activities. The event, held at the start of every semester, enables new students […]

Rights and Responsibilities sets guidelines for student protests

Policies on free speech, protests, recording devices and drones were updated in this year’s edition of Rights and Responsibilities, the student conduct code. Each year administrators alter language and update sections over the summer in preparation for the new school year. More often than not, the goal of altering the code is to clarify existing […]

Demonstration against sexual violence removed

A demonstration against sexual violence on campus was removed sometime after 6 a.m. on Sunday, April 23, according to members of Brandeis Students Against Sexual Assault (B.SASV). The group created two displays for Admitted Students Day. The first was a set of flags depicting statistics about sexual assault on the Brandeis campus. These flags lined […]

Three professors awarded for excellence in teaching

Three professors received awards for excellence in teaching at a faculty meeting on Friday, April 21. The professors were primarily chosen through student nominations, and the Dean’s Office of Arts and Sciences presented the awards. Adrianne Krstansky (TA) joined the Brandeis faculty in 1999 and has won awards for her work in theater production and […]

Citizenship Day to unite immigration advocates

Students will have the opportunity to engage with immigrant activist and resource groups from Brandeis and from the greater Boston area at Brandeis Citizenship Day on Tuesday, April 4. The event will be hosted by The Right to Immigration Institute (TRII), a nonprofit organization created by Brandeis students. In attendance will be representatives from Project […]

Six bathrooms to be stocked with free menstrual products

Free pads and tampons will be available in six high traffic restrooms for about one month, according to Aaron Finkel ‘20, chair of Campus Operations Working Group (COW-G) and Massell Quad Senator. Using a Senate Money Resolution (SMR), COW-G requested $949.39 to pay for six baskets, and about 8,000 pads and tampons. Menstrual products will […]

New residence hall to increase number of beds and common space

A residence hall to replace the Castle will have 164 beds and will cost approximately $38 million according to Jim Gray, vice president for Campus Operations. Four floors will be divided between two wings. “It’s nice that the building turns so that you don’t have a bowling alley effect,” Gray said. The first floor of […]

Student-run trial will gauge usage of free menstrual products

The Campus Operations Working Group (COW-G) hopes to conduct a student-run trial of providing menstrual products in public restrooms around campus during the month of April, according to the chair of COW-G, Aaron Finkel ’20. Finkel has reached out to multiple clubs and organizations on campus in support of the initiative, including the Feminist Majority […]