
To acquire wisdom, one must observe

Adam Marx

Sometimes it takes a lot of legwork in this business to find the next underground sensation. My discovery of Eliza and The Strange, however, was the happiest of accidents that have turned into an obsessive...
It’s always exciting to hear that one of your favorite artists is planning to sign a major record contract, but it’s even more exciting when you see that artist make the transition before your eyes....
I’m more than pleased to be able to present this band, as they’re one of a new breed that will soon take over the alternative scene. Their sound is done so well that I can’t...
While trying to find new bands to listen to, I’ve come across some truly unique new acts that I find mind-blowing—not because of their sounds but because it seems that no one is aware of...
Two weeks ago, I read an article in The Hoot about raw metal band First Born and their most recent recording effort, “Evilution.” What I read not only irked but also frustrated me. Like many...
Fresh off studio time and a U.K. tour last year, Bowling for Soup (BFS) return this spring with an album of new material that makes me wonder if they will ever run out of topics...
Amidst the turmoil now blanketing the music industry, music fans are finding it harder and harder to go about life as usual. Record labels are seeing their worst nightmares realized as their customers—many of whom...

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