
To acquire wisdom, one must observe

This will probably be short, as I have no idea how to write a senior op (is there a right or wrong way?), but it may end up being long, as I’m sure more thoughts...
When I was in first grade, before I could spell, I drew a whole menagerie of birds and labeled them “brids.” About 15 or so years later, while I can spell B-I-R-D-S, I haven’t been...
As I now sit here with only one day of classes left, I can’t help but marvel at how my college journey unfolded in ways I never expected. It’s been a wild ride, one that...
When I was in second grade, I discovered my love for newspaper cartoons. I was constantly reading “Calvin and Hobbes,” “Foxtrot,” “For Better or Worse” and any other cartoons I could find. Coincidentally, that same...
I didn’t realize 1,321 days ago, when I first emailed an editor at The Hoot, that nearly four years later I would have to be writing them a final article. As I begin to write,...
Seated on a plane, I consider how I can quickly sum up four years at university before the plane takes off, in a concise and beautiful way. I’ve been thinking about this for a while,...
I am writing this line down as I am sitting in the new Hoot room in the Shapiro Campus Center (SCC) with a bunch of very loud people chit-chatting around me. I just finished training...
I was supposed to finish this article in 2022 along with everybody else in the Hoot E-board at the time, but I’m glad I didn’t until now. My undergrad years were like a dull, unfinished...
As members of the Brandeis community, you all just received an email letting you know that we’ll be experiencing a rise in tuition. As members of the Brandeis community, you also may have heard about...
Since the last publication of The Hoot, the Brandeis Judges baseball team has played 10 games against Case Western Reserve University (CWRU), Endicott, New York University (NYU) and Dean College. Brandeis lost all of these...

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