
To acquire wisdom, one must observe

Jackie Kostenko

For many students at Brandeis, law school is only a couple years away. The pre-law path can get overwhelming when it comes time for internships, applications and essays. Pre-law advising at Brandeis can help students...
Although Brandeis offers great academic advising services for students, there is also a subset of advising for students on the pre-health track. Located within the Office of Academic Advising, the Pre-Health Advising office is determined...
For students on the science track, it is possible to overlook the importance of communication skills when handling so many rigorous classes. With a writing intensive credit coming from Biology Lab, a lot of science...
As the necessity for a more environmentally friendly world grows, Brandeis has started taking steps to create a more sustainable campus. In 2015, Brandeis set a goal to reduce carbon emissions by 10 percent by...
The United States is in the middle of an opioid crisis. Dr. Andrew Kolodny, one of the nation’s leading experts on the prescription opioid and heroin crisis and co-director for the Opioid Policy Research Collaborative...
Physics professor Seth Fraden (PHYS) and his team of researchers have engineered a way to make soft material mimic neural tissue in the body by applying physics to biology and studying the sinuous motion of...
Physics professor Seth Fraden (PHYS) and his research team have discovered a way to make soft material that can mimic neural tissue by studying the blue eel. Fraden received funding from a U.S. Army research...

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