
To acquire wisdom, one must observe

Medjine Barionnette

I’ve realized two things over winter break: first, I watch far too much television, and second, second seasons of television shows rarely ever live up to the first. The first season of “You” introduced us...
Oh Netflix, consistency is not your strong suit. From the failure that was “Iron Fist,” the mediocrity that is and always will be the sixth season of “Orange is the New Black,” and the nostalgic...
As a habitual binge watcher of TV shows, I always get excited when Netflix decides to come out with new ones; it’s another excuse to procrastinate. Despite my excitement, there is always a sense of...
Last week, I reviewed the opening and artist talk on the Hadassah-Brandeis Institute (HBI) exhibit “One Foot Planted,” during which a problematic photo was displayed from an independent artist portfolio. On Tuesday, I sat down...
The Hadassah Brandeis Institute (HBI) has promoted art relating to Jewish women for nearly 20 years on the Brandeis campus. This semester’s exhibit is a celebration of the female form and its relationship to Israel...
The second season of The Punisher is another show that has fallen into the dark pit that is a TV show’s worst nightmare: the sophomore slump. As a fan of “The Punisher,” who has watched...

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