
To acquire wisdom, one must observe

In the Senate, April 11

Student Union Vice President Krupa Sourirajan ’23 announced that executive board members will be coming to the Senate for their next meeting, where they will also present the Union budget. Various members of the senior administration attended the Senate meeting to tell the senators about their roles and answer any questions they may have. 

University President Ron Liebowitz discussed future fundraising efforts as well as continuing to improve alumni relations. Executive Vice President for Finance and Administration Stew Uretsky told the Senate that a major concern for the university financially is all the repairs to buildings that have been put on hold and have to be addressed. 

Medical Director Colleen Collins told the Senate that testing will continue next semester, though it is still not decided how frequently. Director of the Brandeis Counseling Center Amy Scobie-Carroll said that currently, the most popular resource for students are group sessions, in which they discuss their feelings of anxiety. Director of the Prevention, Advocacy & Resource Center (PARC) Sarah Berg discussed the development and planning of different trainings that will be available to students.

Senior Associate Dean of Arts and Sciences for Undergraduate Education Elaine Wong discussed various initiatives in their office to assure that students feel less academic pressure and efforts to make sure that exams that students have in their classes are more evenly dispersed. Dean of Arts and Sciences Dorothy Hodgson told the Senate that the fall 2021 semester will continue in a similar block schedule as spring 2021 semester. Provost and Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs Carol Fierke said that they are working with various departments to move away from high-stakes exam systems and towards small weight assignments. 

Chief Diversity Officer and Vice President for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Mark Brimhall-Vargas and Director of the Gender and Sexuality Center Julián Cancino discussed various initiatives, such as “safe spaces” for students where they can reflect on what is happening in the world.  

Director of the Hiatt Career Center Jon Schlesinger discussed the various ways that Hiatt has been supporting seniors and other students with finding internships and jobs. Director of Community Service Lucas Malo told the Senate that he is working to expand the reach of the community service program and help other clubs who are doing service work and advocacy. 

Assistant Dean for Student Affairs Tim Touchette discussed various issues relating to housing, including the fact that isolation housing for the fall 2021 semester will be in 567 South Street. 

Director of Student Activities Dennis Hicks told the Senate about a senior experience program that the Department of Student Activities is piloting next semester, as a way for seniors to reconnect throughout their entire senior year, as opposed to just senior week. Assistant Vice President, Student Engagement and Campus Life Shelby Harris discussed the various programs planned for next year to aid students in adjusting to being on campus. Vice President of Student Affairs Raymond Ou also discussed the various initiatives taken to help students to adjust to “normal” life at Brandeis next year.

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