
To acquire wisdom, one must observe

Surviving Sodexo: Deconstructed pesto

How to survive Sodexo? Get food from the farmer’s market! This week’s dish requires an ingredient that you can’t find within the walls of Usdan or down the stairs of Sherman—basil, a Farmers’ Club delicacy. The dish below, titled Deconstructed Pesto Pasta by creators Stephanie Strifert ’18 and Yael Matlow ’18, contains all the delicious ingredients of pesto, but separated and mixed into a delicious pasta dish.




cherry tomatoes


olive oil


garlic powder



Fill a bowl with plain pasta. Head to the salad bar and drizzle olive oil and vinegar on top of the pasta. Over by the pre-made sandwiches, a collection of spices can be found on the counter. Add garlic powder and oregano. Finally, mix spinach and cherry tomatoes with the basil from the Farmers’ Club and add to the pasta. Put the pasta into the microwave and let cook until fully heated. Remove the dish from the microwave, and enjoy your Deconstructed Pesto Pasta!

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