
To acquire wisdom, one must observe

In the Senate, Nov. 29

Student Union Vice President Krupa Sourirajan ’23 announced that the Student Union will once again be giving its state of the union address as a series of pre-recorded videos and that it will be “done soon.”

Chair of the Dining Committee Ashna Kelkar ’24 said that the committee “realized there are troubles with dining in general.” Kelkar talked about working to improve vegan and vegetarian options, and about the need to continue doing so next semester, as well as the possibility of “implementing training for the workers about the taste of the food.” Because of the results of the dining survey earlier this semester, Kelkar said that the committee realized that “the dining staff don’t understand our concerns.”

Chair of the Social Justice Committee Noah Risley ’24 said that the committee had “closed the book” on the process of inputting student pronouns into the various online platforms the university uses. Risley also said that the committee had spoken with Chief Diversity Officer and Vice President of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Mark Brimhall-Vargas about working to accommodate international students from China who would be attending class remotely next semester, but that they “[would] not talk about that too much in open session.” Open session is the period of the meeting which the press and public are allowed to be present for, as opposed to executive session, which is when the senators discuss issues without reporters and constituents present.

Executive Senator and Chair of the Rules Committee and Club Support Committee Joseph Coles ’22 talked about plans for next semester, including an amendment to the rules about what constitutes a quorum, which he put before the Senate at a previous meeting this semester.

Chair of the Services and Outreach Committee Courtney Thrun ’22 said that the shirts for the Midnight Buffet did eventually arrive, although not on time for the event, and that she and Sourirajan went around campus distributing the shirts to students in person. Thrun also said that if she were reappointed as chair next semester, the committee would work to “bring more fun to campus life,” which Thrun said “kind of sucks right now.”

Reporting in place of the absent chair of the Community Enrichment and Enhancement Fund (CEEF), Sourirajan said that CEEF will finish reviewing proposals “soon.”

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