
To acquire wisdom, one must observe

The undeniable best breakfast

I want to preface this entire article by saying that breakfast in general is the best meal of the day, no questions asked. Let’s first assure ourselves of this. Does anybody even consider lunch to be the best meal of the day? What does lunch even have to offer that either breakfast or dinner do not? Sandwiches? Even then, you always see people having sandwiches for breakfast or dinner, so I am convinced that anyone who thinks lunch is the best meal of the day needs to go see the Brandeis Counseling Center.

It’s clear it is a battle between breakfast and dinner, and there is indeed an obvious winner (if you couldn’t tell by the title and first paragraph). Here, fill in the blank for me and maybe it will clue you in as to why: _____ is the most important meal of the day. If you have ever been on the internet or spoken to your eccentric new-diet-trend friend, then you must certainly know that breakfast is the most important meal of the day, for both nutritional, delectable and financial reasons.

First: nutritional reasons. Aside from protein shakes and tuna cans (gross) that you see gym-goers stuff down their gullet, there is a reason you see them gulp down eggs as well: They are protein-filled! Since proteins promote satiety, this means that a big breakfast filled with eggs in the morning can keep you full throughout the day and stop you from picking on snacks, which can ultimately lead to weight loss. Now, combining eggs into an egg sandwich with both bread and eggs not only provides a quick source of sugar for you in the morning through carbohydrates to keep your morning energized, it also has the added benefit of keeping you full throughout the day! Is there a single downside to an egg sandwich for breakfast?

Second: delectable reasons. I’m not going to beat around the bush here, as I know for a fact that eggs, bacon, sausage, toast with butter and biscuits are much more delicious than even the best meals that dinner has to offer: For some, this may be steak, and for others fish. Those of you who say they would rather have a steak instead of an egg sandwich or toast have clearly never heard the term “breakfast for dinner” before. Let’s also be frank with ourselves here: how often have you ever heard someone who was not just trying to use their leftovers that they wanted “dinner for breakfast?” If someone said that to me then I would send that individual to the same place that “lunch is the best meal” people should be sent to: the Brandeis Counseling Center.

Last but certainly not least: financial reasons. Now, I know that most of us are college students, and some of us have never even been to the grocery store without our parents, but I hope that even in our limited experience you could tell that eggs are dirt-cheap. This also ties in to the reason why eggs are so much better than steak or fish could ever be. Not only do you get a more delicious meal but one that is cheaper as well.

I would usually use the concluding paragraph to say that I hope I convinced you that my opinion is correct, but in all honesty, I already know my persuasive mannerisms were more than enough. In the miniscule, infinitesimally small off-chance that I did not convince you, I will not dignify your inferiority with a response.

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