
To acquire wisdom, one must observe

In the Senate, April 18

Brandeis Democrats sent in their Constitution with changes to the Senate for approval. The motion passed by acclamation. 

The Rules Committee reported that they discussed bylaws, five of which were introduced at the meeting. The Endorsement Bylaw clarifies that members of the Allocations Board and the Judiciary members are unable to give endorsements to candidates during elections. The Judiciary Office Hours Bylaw changed the requirement for office hours from three office hours per week to office hours by appointment. The Executive Board Bylaw is a new bylaw that specifies what is expended from the Executive branch of the student union. It is meant to hold its members accountable. There were two Election Bylaws: the first one is an amendment meant to clarify the process of the election while the second is an amendment to the first amendment. 

The Social Justice Committee talked about adding disability advocacy to their agenda, such as getting more sign language interpreters at major events. The Dining Committee discussed Earth Day, when they will have mainly plant based foods in the dining halls. 

The Services and Outreach Committee told the Senate that they ordered supplies for Midday Getaway and are finalizing preparations for it. The Health and Safety Committee reported that they have finished most of their initiatives for the semester. They are currently working on distributing masks around campus as part of the mask initiative. 

The Facilities, Housing and Transportation Committee talked about the housing process this semester as well as potential changes in cooling and heating at Brandeis. The Club Support and the Senate Sustainability Committees did not meet this week. 

The Community Enhancement and Emergency Fund (CEEF) reported that they updated the website so that now it is possible to submit a CEEF proposal online. Sunglasses will be distributed throughout the next few weeks. Jasmyne Jean-Remy ’22 told the Senate that Kruti Jethwa ’22 resigned as the chair of the Allocation board. She added that the results of Marathon will be released later in the week.

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