In the words of Bon Jovi, ‘we’re halfway there’
Well, folks, we’ve made it halfway through the spring 2023 semester. And while right now you may not be rejoicing over this milestone because you’re drowning in midterms, know that we here at The Brandeis Hoot are proud of you. And we know it can be hard to look at the bright side of things […]
The behavioral economics of TikTok’s ‘double it and give it to the next person’ trend
Somewhat recently, a new trend on TikTok has arisen. Someone will approach another person on the street with an offer (a glass of milk, a dollar, a watermelon) and will pose a question to this person: “Do you want it, or do you want to double it and give it to the next person?” A […]
Professor Christine Grienberger wins 2023 Sloan Research Fellowship Award
Christine Grienberger (BIOL), an assistant professor in biology at Brandeis, was recently awarded with the Sloan Research Fellowship from The Alfred P. Sloan Foundation. Grienberger is one of 125 distinguished researchers to be awarded this fellowship. Grienberger was awarded the fellowship in the neuroscience category. According to the Sloan Fellows website, the Sloan Research Fellowship […]
Baseball starts off 2023 season
After the first five games of the season were postponed due to weather-related field conditions, the Judges’ baseball team started their 2023 season this week. Their season commenced with a game against Wheaton College on Sunday, March 5, they then went on to play against Endicott College on Tuesday, March 7 and against Tufts University […]
My oversensitive, triggered response to a minuscule ‘Real Time with Bill Maher’ segment
I, like most every college student in America, do not make a habit of watching “Real Time with Bill Maher.” My parents watch it weekly, as they have for years. But they will be the first to tell you, they no longer watch it for his clever commentary or his takedowns of right-wing pundits. […]
BookTok worth it or not: ‘This Time Next Year’
Welcome back goons to the column that has persisted longer than I ever intended it to. I don’t have TikTok, but I write this BookTok—a subset of TikTok—column. Why, you may ask? Because it’s a fun log of books I read and hopefully it will help someone choose their next read or decide to pick […]
Student Union releases candidate bios, election starts March 10
The student union released candidate bios for the special round of elections, according to an email sent by Student Union Secretary Carol Kornworcel ’26. The campaign period ends on March 10 when ballots are released to the student body. The Special elections are to fill five open positions Massell Quad Senator, Charles River Quad Senator, […]
The best fruit out there: part 2
Welcome back to my random rankings of different things. This week I am going to continue my rankings of fruits. Last week I ranked the “bottom” 25 fruits from a list that I randomly got from the internet. A lot of those fruits I have never tried before, but this week within the top 25, […]
3/10 Campus Life Comic Strip
Happy International Women’s Day
This past Wednesday, March 8, was International Women’s Day, a day to celebrate the various achievements of women culturally, economically, politically and socially. It just seems so ironic to me that we celebrate this day in the United States, yet when push comes to shove, how much do we actually care about women? Do you […]
Back-to-back wins for women’s tennis
Returning home after a successful trip to California, the women’s tennis team continued their dominance. Two wins this week against Wheaton College and Franklin Pierce University brings their spring season record to 5-2. The Judges lost only two individual matches out of the 18 they played last weekend. March 4 brought Wheaton to the […]
Intercultural Center celebrates its 31st anniversary
The Brandeis Intercultural Center (ICC) is a shared meeting space for the diverse campus culture clubs and is located in Swig Hall. As described on the ICC webpage, “The ICC is dedicated to creating a haven of respect, education and celebration that aims to develop critical consciousness and awareness of the myriad cultures of Brandeis […]
BAASA hosts annual APAHM opening performance
The Brandeis Asian American Students Association (BAASA) hosted an opening performance for Asian and Pacific Islander History Month (APAHM) on Saturday, March 4, at 6:30 p.m. in Levin Ballroom. APAHM is typically celebrated in May, but BAASA has been celebrating in March so as not to conflict with finals, BAASA members explained during the performance. […]
What is wrong with a bubble?
Brandeis, to most, can seem like a fishbowl because of how frequently you see everyone and their mother walking down campus; particularly those who you do not want to see being the ones you end up seeing the most. This has wound up with the campus earning the nickname “the Brandeis bubble”. But, in truth, […]
Simon Sinek ’95: Optimism and effective leadership
Simon Sinek ’95—a university alumnus who is known for a viral TEDx video—spoke with Brandeis students on entrepreneurship and how to create a constructive work environment. Throughout the event, Sinek spoke to the characteristics of corporations, organizations, individuals, workers and leaders which make them successful in the world today. Sinek has captured the attention of […]
‘Drive to Survive’ season 5 overlooks major moments
The phrase “if it ain’t broke don’t fix it” screams around my mind just as a Formula One (F1) car does on track. The motorsport of F1 racing is growing rapidly in the United States with the help of one major streaming player: Netflix. The entertainment giant for the past five years has closely followed […]
Jelle’s Marble Rally Season 6: Race 5
As the sixth season of the marble sand rally almost reaches its midpoint, Ghost Plasma stands in first place overall, 57 points, with Silver Bolt second, 52 points and Ducktape third, 48 points. The marbles entered the fifth race confidently, though cautious. The sand has given the marbles obstacle after unexpected obstacle, showing no remorse, […]
NFL Combine highlights
I want to preface this article by saying I do not watch college football. Therefore, most of what I know about the National Football League (NFL) draft prospects comes from what I have read and highlight videos I have watched. I do think the NFL drafting process is very interesting and the NFL Combine makes […]
Liebowitz announces collaboration with Kraft Group’s Foundation to Combat Antisemitism
University President Ron Liebowitz announced that the university would be collaborating with the Kraft Group Foundation to Combat Antisemitism (FCAS)—an organization that creates new solutions to end hatred towards Judaism and Jewish people. The collaboration is structured into three key components, according to an email sent by Liebowitz to community members. “I’m grateful that an […]
MLB best player at each position predictions
Major League Baseball Spring Training is well underway, so the regular season is just around the corner. We have the World Baseball Classic during this time which should be a lot of fun. There is so much baseball talent in the world that these games will be very competitive. These games will give additional insight […]