Univ. announces new Vice President for Diversity Equity and Inclusion

The university announced that LeManuel Lee Bitsóí has been selected as the new Vice President for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, according to an email sent by university president Ron Liebowitz to the Brandeis community on Jan 31. The announcement comes six months after the former Vice President for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, Mark Brimhall Vargas […]
University celebrates MLK day

The university held multiple events in celebration of Martin Luther King Jr. Day on Jan. 17. The university had two programs celebrating Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. including the 12th Annual MLK Interfaith Day of Service and the 16th Annual Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial. The Interfaith Day of Service honored the […]
Student Union holds first round of elections for new year
The Student Union will be holding its first round of elections for the Spring 2022 semester, according to an email sent by Student Union Secretary Michael Pollard ’22 to the student body on Jan. 15. The positions open include two Senate seats: one seat for North Quad Senator and another Seat for Mid-Year Senator. Applicants […]
University confirms in-person return to class, booster upload ready for use, IT problems with COVID-19 portal resolved
The university confirmed that in-person learning will resume on Feb. 1, according to an email sent on Jan. 26 by Carol A. Fierke, Provost and Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs, Stew Uretsky, Executive Vice President for Finance and Administration and Raymond Lu-Ming Ou, Vice President for Student Affairs. This announcement comes after the university […]
Univ. responds to Texas synagogue hostage on Jan 15.
On Jan. 15, members of the Congregation Beth Israel, a reformed Jewish synagogue outside of Dallas-Fort Worth, were taken hostage by an armed individual named Malik Faisal Akram. Akram took four people hostage. None of the hostages were hurt, though Akram was killed by law enforcement, according to a CNN article. University president Ron Liebowitz […]
Library hours reduced through Jan. 31
Due to the first two weeks of classes being remote, the Brandeis University library will have different hours of operation, according to an email sent to the Brandeis community by Matthew Sheehy, the University Librarian. From Monday, Jan. 17 to Monday, Jan. 31, the library will operate from 7:30 a.m. to 10 p.m. on Monday […]
Rabbi Seth Winberg discusses Holocaust Remembrance Day
Jan. 27 is designated by the United Nations (UN) as International Holocaust Remembrance Day. The day is meant to honor the lives taken by the Nazi regime between 1941 and 1945 when they committed genocide against 6 million European Jews and other demographics. “We cannot expect to make sense of such horror, but we can […]
Student Union leaders discuss spring 2022 semester
In preparation for the spring 2022 semester, Student Union President Krupa Sourirajan ’23 wrote to The Brandeis Hoot on the union’s plans as the student body faces the threat of the omicron variant of the COVID-19 virus. The Student Union will continue to work to support students regardless of whether the Spring semester is held […]
BookTok Worth it or Not: ‘We Hunt the Flame’
It’s a bit ironic that I’m the one writing this column considering I don’t have TikTok on my phone. I do, however, have Instagram reels, which is basically TikTok but three weeks behind. In this column, I will be reviewing books that are either really hyped up by TikTok or given really poor reviews. Warning: […]
Fire alarm goes off in Ziv
Around 4 a.m. on Saturday, Dec. 11, 2021 firetrucks responded to the fire alarm in Ziv Quad, according to social media posts of students. The Brandeis Hoot reached out to Area Coordinator of Ziv, Village and Ridgewood Quads, Montana Epps, about what caused the fire. Epps responded writing, “Unfortunately, I am not at liberty to […]
Univ. updates requirements for students to return to campus
The university updated its COVID-19 policies for community members as they return to campus for the spring 2022 semester, according to an email sent on Dec. 20 by Carol A. Fierke, Provost and Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs, Stew Uretsky, Executive Vice President for Finance and Administration and Raymond Lu-Ming Ou, Vice President of […]
Univ. begins preparations for 75th anniversary
The university announced that it has begun preparations for its 75th anniversary, according to an email sent to community members by Patsy Fisher, Vice President of Alumni Relations and Dan Kim Senior Vice President of Communications, Marketing and External Relations on Dec. 20. The university will celebrate its 75th anniversary in 2023. “Brandeis University will […]
Univ. alumnus named in Time’s ‘Heroes of the Year’
Drew Weissman ’81, MA ’81, P ’15—a Penn Medicine physician—has been named among the Time’s 2021 “Heroes of the Year.” Weissman was nominated for his contribution towards RNA vaccines specifically for the COVID-19 vaccine. Weissman and his colleague Katalin Kariko—a Penn Medicine researcher—collaborated to invent the mRNA technique used in the Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna vaccines, […]
The Black Action Plan collaborates with DCL on first-year rooming survey
The Black Action Plan— a student-run group creating structural change on campus to increase equity for BIPOC students— is collaborating with the Department of Community Living (DCL) to make changes to the first-year roommate matching process, according to a post on the Black Action Plan’s Instagram page. The Black Action Plan posted on their Instagram […]
A letter to our nemesis
First, I would like to start off with a formal apology. It was never the intent of myself nor the rest of The Hoot (™) staff to make you feel like you were in a one-sided relationship. Believe me, been there, done that and I know it’s awful so we are truly sorry for making […]
Dining Petition circulates to support union dining workers
A petition has been circulating around campus, aiming to support dining workers. At the time of writing, the petition has gained 444 concerned students signatures. The petition was shared with the public in late November and was spread virtually. According to the petition, there are four main goals that they are trying to achieve. Firstly, […]
Univ. in-person commencement resumes
The university announced that the Class of 2022 will be having a live and in-person on-campus commencement, according to an email sent to community members by university president Ron Liebowitz on Nov. 22. This will be the first in-person commencement since the COVID-19 pandemic began. “We can’t wait to celebrate with our graduates and their […]
Univ. announces finalist for Diversity Officer
The university has announced three candidates as the finalists for the Chief Diversity Officer and Vice President for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion position, according to an email sent out on Nov. 23 by Carol Fierke, Provost and Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs. The current Interim Chief Diversity Officer and Vice President for Diversity, Equity […]
In the Senate, Nov. 21
The student union saw three clubs for charters, recognitions and de-charters. The three clubs were Period Activists at ‘Deis (PAD), Brandeis Undergraduate Consulting Club and Quant Club Chartering. PAD—a club promoting menstrual justice according to their constitution—was seen for a constitution change that was passed. The change was to the media and outreach chair position. […]
Univ. admin speak on Rittenhouse verdict
University administration released a statement to students regarding the jury decision in the Kyle Rittenhouse case, according to an email sent on Nov. 22. Raymond Ou, Vice President of Student Affairs and David Fryson, Interim Chief Diversity Officer, acknowledged student emotions regarding the verdict and listed sources that students can utilize on-campus that provide support. […]