
To acquire wisdom, one must observe

Student Union Candidate Statements

The Hoot reached out to the students running for the Student Union. Below are statements from the candidates. This list will continue to be updated.

David Herbstritt running for Student Union President

My name is David Herbstritt, I’m a member of the class of 2017, and I am running for Student Union President. I have had the privilege of working with the Union for four semesters now, three of which included involvement on the Executive Board. Over the past year, I have been working to fix the Union’s funding procedures by writing amendments to the Union Constitution and Bylaws and on a variety of other initiatives with the rest of the E-Board. The coming year is incredibly important, and next year’s Union President is essential in establishing a connection with the new university administration we will see in the fall. I think that my experience and leadership skills make me an excellent person to not only ensure that students have a powerful and effective advocate with the administration but also to guarantee that Unions for years to come enjoy the same level of access and respect that we have in recent years. For more information online, feel free to check out facebook.com/herbstrittforunionpresident or to contact me personally!

Paul Sindberg running for Student Union Vice President

It has been so wonderful to serve this past year as your Class of 2018 Senator and your Services and Outreach Committee Chair. In those positions, I was able to coordinate the Turkey Shuttles program, which transported 250+ students over 1,000 collective miles for a net cost of less than $200. I was also able to organize a Midnight Buffet that was attended by a record number of students and cost over $1,000 less than the previous semester’s Buffet; that Midnight Buffet was the first to establish a tradition of using the Buffet as an opportunity to support local charitable organizations and advance social justice within our community. This past semester, I was elected to serve as the Executive Senator—in this position, I’ve realized that Executive Board of our Union is a space with the power to create tangible change for marginalized members of our student body. I believe that our current Union’s legacy of bridging gaps and raising voices is a legacy that must be continued and even pushed further—I am not afraid of standing up to our administration, and as Vice President, I will fight to keep our Union critical, conscious, and constructive. For more info, find us on Facebook, or contact me directly at psindber@brandeis.edu. #PaulforVP

Gabriela Gonzalez Anavisca running for Secretary

I’m currently the Myra Kraft Transitional Year Senator; while I was running for my current position I said that reason I wanted to be the senator was because I wanted to be their voice, their mediator, and to ensure their opinion was heard. In a way that is still the reason why I want to be the Student’s Union Secretary; I want to be a liaison and resource for you. During my senate term, I learned to accommodate different ways to communicate and learned to look for ways help you if I don’t personally have information you need. My promise to you is to be available for you and your concerns, and not to give up until you have an answer for them. Thank you! Vote for Gabriela Gonzalez Anavisca for Secretary of the Student Union!

Isaac Altman running for Secretary

Hi there. I’m Isaac Altman and I’m running for secretary. The secretary is in large part a bridge between the students and the student council. I want to be that bridge. I’m responsible and will actually give enough of a crap about everybody here to take the time to help people get stuff done. Furthermore, the secretary is the person who emails the entire campus every Monday (that’s why everybody knows Shuying Liu). You probably read at least a couple of those, so I promise to make them funny and interesting. Vote for me and we will #MakeBrandeisGreatAgain

Wil Jones running for Junior Representative to the Board of Trustees

When there’s a Wil, there’s a way. I’ve served as your Rosie Senator. I’ve served as the President’s Chief of Staff of the Student Union. Now, I’d love to serve as the students representative to the Board of Trustees.
I do it for the people.

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