
To acquire wisdom, one must observe

A quantum more Bourne than Bond

There are not many films that are released in the UK before they are released in the US. Unfortunately for us, there are two big film series that are. These are the Harry Potter and Bond films. By the time Quantum of Solace is released in the States on November 14, the movie will be old news here in the UK, where it was released on October 31.

Originally, this fact dismayed me as (forgive me, England) I view the Bond films as becoming more and more American as time moves on. I decided when I heard that my American brethren would have to wait to see the new Bond film that I would wait along with them, but hey- it’s Daniel Craig–how long could I possibly be expected to wait?

Quantum of Solace is different from the other 21-odd Bond films in that it is the only one not to be based on one of Ian Fleming’s Bond books. Many of the people I went to see Bond with were big fans of the books and movies and expressed great fear that this movie in particular would stray from what makes a classic Bond film great.

Most were nervous about the plot, though some wondered how the action would fare. Based on what I saw in the film and my limited knowledge of Bond films, it’s safe to say that Quantum of Solace is very different from anything we’ve seen before.

The plot was indeed lacking. It was basic and nothing shocking was revealed. Also, the film’s ending was so open-ended; it left a clear path for the next Bond film. Marc Forster also decided to go with numerous directing styles which I think made the film feel like three separate movies, not one coherent one.

Plot and directing style aside, the acting in the film was fantastic. Everyone stepped up and there was no over-acting, a fact for which I was quite thankful. Craig was, of course, excellent as Bond and showed Bond’s darker and damaged side beautifully. Olga Kurylenko, the new Bond girl, a native Ukrainian who received a lot of grief from her native land for her role was also excellent. To be fair, not a whole lot was required of her, but what she did in the film she did very well.

Overall, the film felt much more Bourne than Bond, but it was certainly entertaining. I expect that the lack of plot in Quantum will be made up for in the next movie as I think a lot of loose ends will be tied up. Hopefully, anyway.

Obviously, the movie was awesome and everyone should see it. It’s Bond: it’s big, full of action, hot women, and Daniel Craig. Maybe it isn’t the best Bond film to date, but I was satisfied and am definitely excited for the next installment. So, when November 14 finally rolls around, go on America, get your Bond on.

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